What should people with a lung condition do now?

Please Visit the British Lung Foundation site for further information.

COVID-19 and pregnancy

For further info on COVID-19 and Pregnancy click here

Your wellbeing

If you are feeling low and live in Manchester, you may be interested in taking part in our study to […]

Survey on Ethnic Minority Experiences of Caring

(Please click here for the link) Carers from Ethnic minorities may have different needs, issues and requirements from other populations, they are […]

GPs experience through Covid-19

An Interesting article

Coronavirus Blood Donation Request


Plasma Donation- We Need your Help!

Urgent help needed with COVID-19 plasma NHS Blood and Transplant needs GP and practice support for COVID-19 convalescent plasma donation. […]

The Council Guide on Covid

The Council guide on what to do if you test positive for Covid Advice for accessing Covid guidance in other […]

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