Covid-19 Update
Oldham has seen a significant increase in COVID-19. New guidelines are in place to save lives & avoid local lockdown, for further information click here.
Face covering exemption
We understand that the general public may be anxious about the wearing of face masks, however, GPs are not contractually obliged, or in a position, to provide exemption letters or certificates for patients who believe they should be exempt from wearing a face covering.
The guidance suggests there is no requirement for the public to provide evidence, medical or otherwise, for exemption therefore a self declaration from the individual should be sufficient.
For more information please visit the GOV.UK website for further information on the use of face coverings.
British Lung Foundation Face Covering Information
Please see weblink below for downloading your own exemption card:
A few points to remember if you need your GP surgery during the Covid-19 Pandemic
We are following the Government advice regarding the COVID 19 pandemic.
The doors to the surgery remain closed and patients should only attend the surgery if requested to do so by a clinician.
Please be aware that from 15/06/2020 you will be expected to wear a face covering if you attend surgery and this must remain on for the whole time.
We request that you attend the surgery alone if possible, children can be accompanied by one adult only.
Thank you for your co-operation
Advice on Appointments
- All GP/ Pharmacist appointments at the moment are Telephone Appointments. If the GP/ Pharmacist wishes to see you in person they will arrange this during the Telephone call.
- We will still have face-to-face appointments for more urgent things where necessary but these will be triaged beforehand and it’s important to be honest when we ask these questions. We DO NOT want you to come in if you have COVID-19 symptoms to reduce the risk of infection.
- Unfortunately, we cannot give prescriptions early, the pharmacies are extremely busy and have limited stock supplies themselves. We also cannot give you paracetamol on prescription just because you can’t get any from the shops.
- We can’t give out ‘Rescue Packs’ to all our COPD/Asthma patients. There is a post going around social media which is untrue. If you are eligible for a rescue pack you will already have been offered one as part of your treatment regime. If you have used up your pack and need a replacement then contact your surgery for this. We can’t give you an inhaler for a ‘just in case’ reason if you haven’t got a confirmed diagnosis unless we highly suspect it. These are for people who need them.
- If you do see us and we are wearing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and masks please don’t be alarmed. They are for your safety as well as ours. All patients asked to attend the surgery must wear a face covering.
- Please don’t shout at your GP staff when they are unable do these things because we are doing our best to provide the best possible care in the worst of situations. Be Kind! Be Respectful!
- When you have an appointment with the HCA for Bloods, Blood Pressure or Immunisations please remove your coat prior to the HCA/ Practice Nurse entering the room they will be wearing PPE and we appreciate this will be difficult at the moment, but we need to ensure we do our best to keep you and the clinicians safe.
We are doing our best to prevent patients from needing critical care.
Wear a face covering, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, social distance 2 meters from non-household people and follow the advice that’s been given and let’s hope we rid this virus as quick as we can.
Stay Alert – Save Lives!